Monday, March 29, 2010

Bloody Politics!

I'm a bit fed up of the government in this country. I'm not just one of those people that are jumping on the bandwagon after the expenses scandal, I am genuinely annoyed that when I start work (and pay taxes)... I'm just handing over my wages to these pillocks and letting them do whatever the f*ck they want with it.

It seems a bit odd that in this so called democracy there are essentially 3 political parties to choose from. Correct me if I'm wrong but 2 of them seem incredibly similar and the one that makes most sense to me is constantly labelled as 'as a wasted vote'.

I'm not interested in point-scoring and blatent PR stunts like Gordon Brown on Piers Morgan or David Cameron on Titchmarsh. All I want are honest politicians that lay down their manifesto with big changes to so-called 'Broken Britain'. If I don't agree with that particular party's views then I'll choose a different party with different plans.

The reason this is baffling me now is reading about public spending cuts on our defence industry. I cannot fathom why this is even considered. Without a sufficiently funded defence, we'll end up with no country to govern anyway! In a similar article, I read that politicans outside the 60-minute radius of Parliament are allowed to claim for a second home but only to the value of a one-bedroom flat. Well woop-de-do. Oh hang on, what was that? £1, 450 a month?!! Why should anyone have to subsidise a one-bedroom flat for an MP to stay in at the value of that?? I've seen some of their houses, they can afford that kind of luxury themselves! I don't know what flat prices are like in London but I can bet your ass that a grand per month isn't your bog-standard bedsit!

I'm not going to pretend I'm a political expert but why don't they cap certain people's wages that are slightly ridiculous. e.g Directors and executives at the BBC (who are incidentally using tax-payers money) or high-flying bankers? The PM of this country should hands-down earn the highest salary.. no-one has a greater responsibililty than running the country. Those at the BBC who are using licence-payers money should definitely get their wages capped and the excess should be ploughed back into public spending.

It's absolutely ridiculous that nurses, the army and the like get paid the amount they do for what they do and that the government are talking about cutting down public spending! .. all the while BBC execs are driving home to their posh pads in their extravagant cars and dining out in the best restaurants with that £145.50 pp per year we're forking out.

I know who I'm voting for in the next election. I don't agree with the whole 'I'm not voting because I don't care about politics/I don't like anyone' bullshit. That's how idiots like the BNP get in. There are plenty of different parties, even if they aren't the publicity mongers like Labour or Conservative, so use your vote wisely. Politics is important, it determines how this country is run. So don't be a dickhead and decide.

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