Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pissed, legless, rat-arsed, shit-faced, wankered, drunk... no.

Sometimes I just don't feel like a proper student. I just can't be arsed to get drunk anymore. I love the inebriated feeling of dancing with your arms in the air like you just don't care it's just the morning after that spoils it.

It annoys me that as a student, it is a requirement that you must love getting leathered at any opportunity. It may aswell be in UCAS agreement that you must piss half your money away to pay for an earth-shattering headache and to throw up curry/chips/vodka until 3pm the next day. I have the added expectation that being from Newcastle, this is just part of the daily routine.

Now at the ripe old age of 21 years and 8 months, I feel like enough's enough. Is it so bad to prefer going to Alton Towers with your mates or the zoo?? I'm putting all this down the fact I have had about 5/6 years experience of getting so hammered my mates/randomers had to give me piggy backs home, throwing up in bushes/roads/outside taxi windows, going to the toilet in nettle bushes and generally making an arse out myself only to wake up the next day and recoil in embarrassment at what I've done. For some people, coming to uni is the key to a world of corkys, vodka and The Codfather which has previously been hidden under the parental plantpot so I don't blame the kids for indulging a bit!

I just want to make it clear, I'm not so past it to refuse a few vodka and cokes after exams, deadlines, birthdays and other occasions.. I'd just rather stay in with a cup of tea watching shite TV with a takeaway than gracing Huddersfield nightlife every Monday and Wednesday. Let's face it.. there's only really Camel and Tokyo to choose from. Nuff said.

Let's see if my opinion stays the same with some pennies in my pocket back up in the toon....

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